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10 Most Instagrammed Places In Asia

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Instagram is one of the most widely used social media apps in the world. People post almost everything related to their life on their Instagram account. Their pictures depict a lot of things related to their lifestyle and everyday activities. One certainly can’t complete their vacation or have a lavish cuisine without Instagramming it!

A travel portal has recently come up with a list of the most Instagrammed places in the world. New York City is undoubtedly the most famous destination among Instagrammers all over the world. It is closely followed by Paris and London. Quite a few Asian cities like Dubai, Hong Kong, and Tokyo were also included in the list. Sit back and be prepared to get a glimpse of an entire continent in the list of top 10 most Instagrammed places in Asia.

1. Dubai

Dubai is the most Instagrammed city in Asia with a total of 36,965,312 uploads. This also makes Dubai the fourth most popular global destination according to the stats, just after NYC, London, and Paris.

Dubai is the most Instagrammed city in Asia with a total of 36,965,312 uploads.
Credit: dubai
2. Istanbul

A city where both the east and the west meet in the most beautiful way can’t be overlooked upon by fellow Instagrammers. The astonishing Turkish city hosted 25,308,845 Instagram pictures, making it a popular destination among people belonging to different countries.

Istanbul, popular Instagrammed destination among travelers.
Credit: ioannis_gkatzounas
3. Singapore

Singapore is gradually emerging as a popular tourist destination. It is known not only for its flourished economy but is also a land where different cultures meet. People love the diversity that it hosts and has uploaded 11,923,939 pictures so far on the app.

Singapore is gradually emerging as a popular tourist destination.
Credit: hello_worldpics
4. Tokyo

With more than 11 million pictures uploaded on the app, the Japanese capital has made its place visible by being a popular destination among travellers all over the world. The land of the rising sun has something for everyone! You can also check out 10 most Instagrammable spots in Tokyo.

Tokyo, the land of the rising sun has something for everyone!
Credit: joshtaylorjp
5. Hong Kong

Hong Kong also has more than 11 million uploads and merely a few thousand less than Tokyo. Additionally, it is the most Instagrammed place in the world on the basis of scenery and landscapes. Travellers love to click pictures of its natural beauty, skyscrapers, and the harbour.

Hong Kong is one of the most Instagrammed place in the world on the basis of scenery and landscapes.
Credit: intenggram
6. Bangkok

The Thai metropolis is not quite behind with 9,761,760 Instagrammed pictures. Known for its bustling city life, rich culture, and exotic restaurants, the city certainly has something for everyone.

Bangkok is known for its bustling city life, rich culture, and exotic restaurants.
Credit: roumsinio
7. Seoul

South Korea is certainly regaining its claim to be one of the friendliest destinations for travellers. It hosts ongoing festivals and dedicated events to attract tourists from all over the world. Maybe, this is one of the reasons why Seoul has reclaimed its significance in the travel circuit with an upload of more than 4.5 million pictures.

South Korea is said to be one of the friendliest destinations for travellers.
Credit: junnybox
8. Antalya

The laidback beach destination in Turkey is next in the line with 4,461,914 Instagram uploads. The breathtaking destination is known for its Mediterranean coast, crystal clear beaches, and an exotic culture that attracts travellers from all over the world.

Antalya, popular for its exotic culture that attracts travellers from all over the world.
Credit: antalyacityzone
9. Taipei City

The modern metropolis and the capital of Taiwan have hosted plenty of events in the last few years. It hosts a lot of travellers from China, Japan, Korea, and other adjoining countries as well. The city has hosted more than 3.8 million uploads, making it an Instagram hit!

Taipei city, the modern metropolis and the capital of Taiwan
Credit: frankdek45
10. Shanghai

Out list can’t come to an end without mentioning this gorgeous Chinese city. Shanghai has remained a favourite among plenty of local and international travellers. The city has hosted more than 3.5 million uploads.

Shanghai has remained a favourite among plenty of local and international travellers.
Credit: shiyouya28

From food to clothes and landscape to selfies – these famous destinations have certainly seen it all. Instagram is all about capturing the best moments of your life and these cities are surely giving their contribution by hosting millions of travellers. Asian cities certainly have an outlandish charm. They can take you back in time in the most effortless way. So, what’s your pick? Which of these famous Instagram destinations would you pick to visit next?