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8 Beautiful But Less Popular Islands in Malaysia

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Redang Island, Perhentian, Sipadan and Mabul are some of the beautiful and world’s famous islands in Malaysia. International tourists and locals know these islands and have always included them in their travel itinerary. However, do you know that there are still several other breathtaking but less popular islands in our country that can still amaze you, just like the other famous islands? In this article, we will share with you the 8 beautiful but less popular islands in Malaysia that you can explore during your next holiday!

#1 – Timba Timba Island, Semporna, Sabah

Timba Timba Island, Semporna, Sabah

Timba Timba Island is a less known island in Semporna. It is famous for its long stretch of white beach and stunning seawater. Visitors may visit this island by joining an island-hopping activity from other resorts in Mabul or Kapalai.

#2 – Rawa Island, Mersing, Johor

Rawa Island, Mersing, Johor

Rawa Island in Mersing, Johor, is a private island, owned by the Johor Royal member. It has been commercialized as a tourist spot and opened to the public. The turquoise sea watercolour and super clear and white beach in Rawa Island will mesmerise you!

#3 – Bohey Dulang Island, Semporna, Sabah

Bohey Dulang Island, Semporna, Sabah

Bohey Dulang Island is also one of the beautiful but less popular islands in Malaysia that many people have failed to be aware of. Situated about 30-minute away from Semporna Town by boat, Bohey Dulang Island is one of the islands in Tun Sakaran Marine Park. The sea view from the island and its marine life is splendid!

#4 – Kapalai Island, Semporna

Kapalai Island, Semporna

Semporna is definitely home to many gorgeous islands, and Kapalai Island is one of them. It is situated 15 kilometres away from the famous Sipadan Island. The picturesque view of the island and its sea inhabitants will make just about anybody to always want to come back and visit this beautiful island once again!

#5 – Banggi Island, Kudat

Banggi Island, Semporna, Sabah

Now, this next info might be super new for you: Banggi Island is the largest island in Malaysia! With an area of 440.7 square kilometres, Banggi Island is larger than Langkawi and Penang. With the spectacular sea view, it is a great destination for island and diving lovers. Don’t fret about transportation as there is a daily ferry trip that will take you to this beautiful island of Banggi.

#6 – Rawa Island, Besut, Terengganu

Rawa Island, Besut, Terengganu

Besides than Johor, Terengganu also has a beautiful island with the same name, Rawa Island. It is located near Perhentian Besar, and Perhentian Kecil Islands and its corals and sea life are as stunning as the ones found in Perhentian Island. You can reach this beautiful island by taking a boat from the famous Perhentian Island.

#7 – Sibu Island, Mersing, Johor

ibu Island, Mersing, Johor

Sibu Island that is located in Mersing Johor is another gorgeous island that overlooks the great South China Sea. It might not be as famous as Johor’s another Island, Tioman, but Sibu Island still mesmerizes with its crystal white sand beach, great blue sea, and sea life.

#8 – Sibuan Island, Semporna, Sabah

Do not get yourself confused with the island above. Sibuan Island might have an almost similar name with the Sibu Island mentioned above, but this particular gorgeous island is located in Semporna, Sabah. This destination is famous for its sea gipsies (Bajau Laut) and beautiful diving spots.

Include the beautiful islands above into your travel trip plan and make your hotel reservation online at to get great savings.

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