Your Halal & Muslim Friendly Travel Guide

Best Time To Visit Turkey

Times have changed over the decades, though – economic prosperity has transformed Turkey from a seasonal beach and antiquities destination into a place one can visit any time of the year. The question now is this: when is the best time to visit Turkey?

Spring (March-May): Visit Turkey historical sites

Best Time To Visit Turkey: Spring
Credit: 3bittka

Turkey is an ancient country, considered to be among the oldest permanent human settlements in the entire world. It has many locations that figured in Greek mythology and Homeric literature. It was an important centre of early Christianity, where the missionary work of St. John the Apostle and St. Paul, himself an Anatolia native, led to the growth of early Christian churches and communities in the region. Its geographic location as the gateway to Asia and the Black Sea resulted in Turkey becoming the beating heart of both the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.

If you count history and religion among your interests, then a trip to Turkey in the months of March, April or May is definitely a must. The best time for you to make your trek across Turkey to see important historical and religious sites is during the springtime when the crowds are few, the prices are more affordable, the weather is mild, and the hot Turkish sun won’t beat on you as you hop from one ruin to another.

What are the historical sights you just MUST visit? Opt for the all-time favourites or choose something less touristy and more poetic like Troy! You may be tempted to include Istanbul in your spring tour of Turkey’s antiquities. Istanbul, after all, is the largest and most historically, culturally and economically significant city in Turkey. However, springtime is also peak travel season in Istanbul and prices typically skyrocket, so you’re better off scheduling your visit there another time.

Summer (June-August): Outdoor adventures in Cappadocia

Hot air balloon in Cappadocia
Credit: pinterest

Late spring to early summer, that is May, June and until early July, is a good time for going on outdoor adventures in Turkey. The spring rains are subsiding, but the summer sun is not yet unbearable. And for outdoor adventures, the best place to go in Turkey is the erosion basin of Cappadocia.

Stepping into the region of Cappadocia in Central Anatolia is like stepping into another planet. The stark plains of Anatolia are broken by the towering, colourful and otherworldly geological formations created by the eruptions of the Erciyes, Melendiz Daglan, and Hasan volcanoes millions of years ago.

The best way to experience Cappadocia is by hiking through the basin. You can spend the days admiring the fairy-world landscapes and visiting monastic communities whose churches are carved out in caves. You can also sleep in cave houses all over the region. If you’re brave enough, you can go whitewater rafting through the red canyons of Ihlara valley. Or if you don’t want to spend days trekking through Cappadocia, you can always view it from the top by riding a hot air balloon.

Autumn (September-November): Getting sunkissed & hitting the Turkish Beach

Beach in Turkey
Credit: pinterest

Most people hit the beach during the summer months of July and August. In Turkey, this won’t be a good idea, as the beaches would be packed, the hotels full and the prices exorbitant. Moreover, summer can be very hot and unpleasant in Turkey. If you want to avoid the crowds, to save on costs and stay cooler, wait until late summer or early autumn to hit the beach. The crowds would be thinner and the merchants more open to bargaining by then.

Now, where are the best beaches in Turkey? Of course, no beach experience in Turkey is complete without hitting Oludeniz on the Turquoise Coast. Oludeniz is one of the most photographed beaches on the Mediterranean, famous for its deep blue and aquamarine colours. Scuba diving and Paragliding from the heights of Mt. Babadag down to the waters of Oludeniz are some of the most popular activities there.

Iztuzu Beach in Dalyan is another incredible beach destination in Turkey. This beach is a nature reserve, protected as a breeding ground of endangered loggerhead turtles. During the turtle breeding season, you can’t stick sun umbrellas in the sand and you can’t linger at the beach after 8PM. If you get tired of swimming, you can explore the Lycian tombs and ruins nearby.

There are many other excellent beaches in Turkey. If you can’t make up your mind which beach to stay at, you can always explore them all via the Blue Voyage. When you go on a Blue Voyage, you hire a local schooner for a weeklong cruise along the length of the Turquoise Coast and stopping at well-known resort towns other than Dalyan and Oludeniz such as Antalya, Kas, Alanya, Marmaris, Cesme and Bodrum. Going on a leisurely Blue Voyage is the best way to experience the Turquoise Coast, also known as the Turkish Riviera.

Winter (December-February): Sightseeing in Istanbul

Mosque in Turkey
Credit: pinterest

Istanbul, as mentioned earlier, is the historical, cultural, and economic heart of Turkey, as well as its largest and most populous city. While you can visit Istanbul any time of the year, winter is when the prices are the cheapest, the merchants and service providers most accommodating, there are huge discount sales in shopping centres all over the city, and there are no crowds to be seen around the popular tourist spots. The downside is it can be windy and chilly with the occasional downpour, but even the coldest winter in Istanbul is milder than winter in, say, New York City.

What are the most popular Istanbul landmarks? Check them out! Of course, you won’t see the real Istanbul unless you get out of the Old City where the popular landmarks are and explore the other neighbourhoods like Galata, with its Genoese Tower and colourful local food and nightlife scene, and Cihangir, with its amazing street food. Winter in Turkey can be experienced at the start of November, the whole of December and January. During February, the ice or snow starts to melt.

What’s your favourite time to visit Turkey?

There’s something for everyone in Turkey any time of the year. Gone are the days when people only go there to visit antiquity sites and hit the beach. So take out your calendar and start planning your Turkish adventure today! Start planning your trip using our suggested itinerary for Turkey and search for Turkish Muslim-friendly packages and hotels that includes an experienced guide.