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“I Always Make Sure That I Have Time to Travel…” – Nur Iffa Aqwa

Home » Muslim Travel Experiences » “I Always Make Sure That I Have Time to Travel…” – Nur Iffa Aqwa

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.’ This saying is legit, right? Check out Nur Iffa Aqwa travel experiences…

T: A short bio about yourself, A 3-4 lines that best describe you, what you do for a living and so…
N: Hello there! I studied programming but end up having a career in logistics and shipping sector. I’ve gone through challenging and busy routine and to escape that, I always make sure that I have time to travel and see the world from different perspectives.

T: Where have you been?
N: I feel so grateful that I’ve been to several countries in Europe such as England, Holland, Italy, France,  Scotland, and Slovakia. Aside from Malaysia, I also have been to Australia, Singapore, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

T: What’s your favourite place so far? Why?

N: I would have to say Perth, Australia. I really had fun the last time I was there. The clean environment, great food, and desserts also not forgetting the friendly locals.

T: One unforgettable travel experience or incident that sticks in your mind…?

NThere was one time back in Spring 2014, me and my best friend went to Mount Tatra, Slovakia just to experience snow. This trip was unforgettable for me because the locals can’t stop staring us and at first, I thought it was just my imagination until my friend noticed it too.

Aside from that, the journey from the city to Tatra mount takes about 4 hours to the last station in Poprad. Due to the language barrier, we bought a standard ticket at the counter and proceed to the station. Guess what? The ticket we bought was only to ride the train, the seat was not included. Can you imagine how long we have to stand until the last station? 4 hours! Lesson learned and as for the return ticket to the city we bought a first-class train ticket and its only use in the carrier.

However, Slovakia is simply breath-taking…

T: What was the most challenging thing about travelling?
N: Public toilet and the language barrier.

T: What place is top of your bucket list?
N: Bungee jumping and Skydiving in New Zealand. One fine day!

T: One advice for travellers?
NEvery country has its own DO’s and Don’ts. So, be wise and do your research. Also, remember that when travel we carry our country’s dignity and name.