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“I Woke Up One Day & Decided to Jump Out of A Plane…” – Rahayu Azizol

Home » Muslim Travel Experiences » “I Woke Up One Day & Decided to Jump Out of A Plane…” – Rahayu Azizol

Check out our next Tripfezroamer, Rahayu Azizol interview with Tripfez:

T: A short bio about yourself, A 3-4 lines that best describe you, what you do for a living and so:
R: Hello! I’m Rahayu Azizol working as a med lab in Kuala Lumpur. I love to meet new people and trying new things. My passion is to challenge myself to go out of my comfort zone and explore remote places.

T: Where have you been?
R: Mostly I have been around Asia. Neighbouring countries like Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, South Korea and Nepal recently. And last year I went to New Zealand and Arab Saudi for umrah.

T: What’s your favourite place so far? Why?
R: To be specific I have a few places I like to revisit for a number of reasons. First is Waerebo, Flores in Indonesia. I went on a trip organized by The Fadaelo Project. We went there and distributed meds and get to know the locals there. To reach there you need to hike for a few hours and it was such an eye-opener experience.

Next, I must say ABC or Annapurna Base Camp. Not exactly going to the summit or reach the camp but surrounded by mountains, clear blue sky and stargazing with friends, priceless. And yes you definitely can’t miss New Zealand- serene, peaceful and heaven for a nature lover like me. Mecca and Medina are also very dear to my heart. I’ll make sure to revisit all of these places someday.

T: What was the most challenging thing about travelling?
R: When everything you planned didn’t work out so well. Bad weather condition. The car broke down and etc. But I always believe there’s always a reason for that. Just move on and think good thoughts.

T: One unforgettable travel experience or incident that sticks in your mind…?
Skydiving might be on top of the list. It felt surreal. I woke up one day and decided to jump out of a plane. Walked in and registered a one-way flight ticket to the drop zone. Glad that I did it.

T: What place is top of your bucket list?
R: Regardless of the place, anywhere, but this year I need to see the northern lights or Aurora Borealis. And like any other travellers, I would love to visit all the 7 wonders of the world.

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T: One advice to travellers?
R: Go. Enjoy. Leave. It’s all about you anyway. May you always do, whatever you are afraid to do. May you always do, whatever you want to do.