Alhamdulillah, you’re blessed and Allah has will it that you’ll be going to Mecca to perform umrah soon! Now, before you start panicking and feel a little lost about Umrah rituals etc, you can go through this checklist Tripfez has compiled for a clearer view and understanding before you board your flight for Umrah, InsyaAllah!
“The perform of Umra is an expiation of sins committed (between it and the previous umrah).”
-Prophet Muhammad SAW
1. Bring Your Passport and Visa Documentation

- The Umrah authorities will take your passport upon arrival in Saudi Arabia and will return it to you when departing so yes, please don’t ever forget to bring them!
2. Don’t Forget Your Proof of Vaccination

- All pilgrims from all countries must produce a valid certificate of vaccination against quadrivalent (A/C/Y/W135) meningococcal meningitis.
- Depending on what country you’re from, you may also need to have valid certificates of vaccinations against yellow fever and polio.
3. Bring Your Passport Sized Photos

- Take at least 4 additional photographs with you to Saudi Arabia. These may be needed for documents and procedures during the course of your journey.
4. Change Your Money to Saudi Riyals
- Take a minimum of about 450 riyals (£100, $120), which will help you with your immediate expenses upon arrival in Saudi Arabia, until you become familiar with getting your money exchanged locally
5. Pack Comfortable, Loose-Fitting Clothes
- Take comfortable, loose-fitting garments for when you’re not in Ihram.
- Take clothes that require little to no ironing, are easily washed and are appropriate for the journey.
- One set of clothes usually lasts one day.
- For men, the Saudi Thobe / Jubbah and the Indo-Pak Shalwar Qameez are ideal.
- For women, the Abaya is the best option.
6. Bring Sandals (Minimum 2 Pairs)
- Whilst in you’re in Ihram, your ankles and the top part of your foot (around the shoelace area) need to remain uncovered.
- A flat, soft pair of walking sandals are recommended.
- You will be doing a lot of walking during the days of Hajj so they must be comfortable and ideally, waterproof.
- Buy a pair well in advance of your journey and wear those shoes regularly so they can be worn in and become more comfortable.
7. Umrah Guide Book
- A pocket-sized Umrah guide book can be referred to just in case you happen to forget something or need to refer to some dua or prayers.
8. Waist Pouch or Neck Pouch

- Keep your valuables such as money, documents, debit/credit cards and keys in a good quality waist pouch or neck pouch.
- Wear your pouch at all times and ensure you don’t leave your accommodation without it.
- Be vigilant of pickpockets and thieves, particularly in crowded areas.
- Hold on to your pouch in crowded areas to ensure it doesn’t get stolen.
- Your pouch may be inspected by the authorities at the entrances of the Haramain in Makkah and Madinah.
9. Small Water Spray Bottle
- Can be used to spray to your face and feel refreshed!
- Can be used to do Wudhu.
10. Universal Travel Adapter
- There is no real standard type of plug – you will come across sockets for 2-pin round plugs and 2-pin flat plugs like the ones used in Europe and 3-pin plug sockets like in the United Kingdom.
- Some rooms have both 2-pin and 3-pin plug sockets.
We hope this short but important checklist will help you out in the preparation to visit the land we’re all have been dreaming of. InsyaAllah, if He wills it, you will have the chance to embark upon this journey of a lifetime. You can also join Tripfez’s umrah package for a small and comfortable journey! Learn all about it here.
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