Tripfez is inspired by this young lady’s passion for travel!
T: A bio about yourself, that best describe you, what you do for a living and so on…
A: Hello everyone! My name is Farah Elyna and I am 25 years old. Recently graduated in BSc (Hons) International Tourism Management in Birmingham, United Kingdom. Previously, had 3 years of working experience as a the Mediterranean and Russian Specialist in one of a private travel company. Travel Industry has always been in my nature.
This is how my passion for travel begins and pretty much I am known to everyone’s friend 🙂 It’s been 5 months since I’m back in Malaysia. Finally, I’m settling down back in Kuala Lumpur for good and my career life has just started. I live in a very interesting and blessed life. Every single day I am very thankful for the life I live and I appreciate every single opportunity that’s been given. Lived overseas at a very young age. Studied in an international school and was brought up with many international and local friends from all over the world. At a young age, I was already exposed to multi-cultures and traditions. During school days, I like to get myself involved in helping out with the less fortunate, charity and helping out with the orphanages. It had definitely opened up my eyes and since then I like to share in just anything with anyone – food, drinks, and so on.

Currently working as a travel consultant and still in the learning process in the things I do daily. Someday I wish to run my own business or organization where I can help people who are disabled or a centre for children who are ill. It is something I have always wish to do but I just don’t know how to go about it yet now. Still finding ways and opportunities to be involved in that area. A girl with a big heart and willing to help those who are in need. Back to my travelling career, now I enjoy what I do as I learn many new interesting things every day.
I am a friendly, independent, very open and western-minded girl. I enjoy exploring and learning new things that will benefit me. Enjoys reading non-fictional books. I love to cook and eat extremely spicy food at home. I am obsessed with theme parks especially their roller coasters! Come, talk to me and I’ll share with you some of my interesting experiences along the way!
T: Where have you been?
Some countries I have been twice or even thrice just to catch up with my international friends

T: What’s your favourite place so far? Why?
A: Definitely, America! Favourite city, I would say New York City – The Big Apple! I guess it was because I felt like I could fit in just about with anyone there. There are a vibe and feeling that are hard to explain. That made me fell in love with the city so much. People, there are super friendly, cool, and super nice! I love America so much and I will come back again.
T: One unforgettable travel experience or incident that sticks in your mind…?
A: To be honest for me, there are plenty of challenging things when it comes to travelling abroad. I’d say my number one priority and concern is I will always protect my passport from being lost or stolen. Nobody would ever want this to happen while travelling. It could be the worst nightmare ever! Secondly, I will be not knowing where the dangerous areas of the places are. Especially for women who travel solo or with a group of ladies only. People always say, it’s always better to ask and speak to the locals or make friends with the locals so you don’t get cheated easily. Also, I think one of the most stressful parts of travelling to a foreign country would be when the local is trying to rip you off – especially when it comes to souvenir shopping or getting in local cabs. Finally, the language and cultural barriers. Communication is very important when you are travelling!

T: What was the most challenging thing about travelling?
A: I’d say when I was 14 years old, while I was living in Russia, I flew from Moscow to New York alone. Yes, ALONE..That was the second time for me to travel to the United States. Indeed, it was my very first time ever to get on a plane all alone at that very young age without my parents. It was such an adventure, really. The funny part was, strangers were concern about this young girl getting on a plane alone without any guardian. I could still remember those times until now. Initially, I was supposed to be flying with Delta Airlines. At the very last minute, the flight had changed so I had to fly with Aeroflot – which I was not very fond of. Thank god, the journey went smoothly for me. I sat next to a Russian lady, and luckily, she was very nice. Well basically, she sort of took care of me from the moment we fly until we landed. Thanks, stranger!
There was one recent incident that happened last year at Barcelona airport that I will never ever forget. It was around 3:30 am, I was with my sister waiting to catch our flight back to England at 7 am local time. The airport was quiet and barely had people. I was extremely tired, so I fell asleep on one of the chairs at the airport. The whole entire night my sister kept awake while playing with her phone and so she was next to me all the time – guarding our bags etc. All of a sudden, she noticed something weird, and that she could sense that there were two men watching us and lingering around where we were sitting for nearly an hour.
This, at the time I was in deep sleep. My sister then woke me up instantly and told me that she could feel that something isn’t right. Just a few minutes later – right in front of our very own eyes, the two guys were targeting on the two ladies who were sleeping just opposite of us. They had stolen their luggage, personal belongings, mobile phones and walked off like as if nothing happened. We were completely speechless and super shocked. Before that, the two guys had even signalled us to remain silent. We were both really scared and completely stunned not knowing how to react. I kept praying in my heart for Allah to protect both of us at the time. In my mind at the time, I thought this is going to be it for us, we’re going to get robbed too – there was no one else that was there except for us and those two other ladies. Even if we were to scream, no one was even there to help.
We were shaken when that incident happened. Many things were rushing through my head at the time thinking, something bad is going to happen to us here at the airport. At the time, somehow my sister managed to secretly snap one of the guy’s photo and until today we still have his picture as a piece of evidence. I could still remember, I whispered to my sister and held her hand super hard if anything were to happen, I ask her to run off first and find help while I try to distract those guys. I was even more worried thinking if they had dangerous weapons with them. Alhamdullilah, thank god, we were lucky that we were safe and unharmed. Allah protected both of us that night. I am very sure the two guys had targeted us as well at the time. I can’t imagine if that were to happen to both of us. Moral of the story here, always be alert and never take advantage of any places even though you may think nothing is going to happen. Never stay alone, anywhere. Always be with someone.
T: What place is top of your bucket list?
A: This year 2018, my target is to perform Umrah. It’s been years I have been planning to visit Mecca. One of the other places that I really would like to travel to would be Santorini, Greece and Macchu Picchu, Peru.

T: One advice for travelers?
A: I have plenty of advice for travellers out there. Always purchase travel insurance, you just never know what’s going to happen while travelling abroad. Make extra copies of your travel documents, itineraries, passport etc. just in case. One of the most important things I always do before I travel is to alert all my bank account credit and debit cards of my travel movements. In case, if there are any weird transactions on my bank cards – especially on my credit card, I will be notified immediately by the bank through my phone or my father’s phone. Always do plenty of research before travelling. People could be saying hundreds of different things about a place and everyone have their own experiences, opinions, and expectations. Don’t instantly believe the things you read online or hear about a destination or place. Rumours are always created and spread to attract people’s attention, so it’s better that you experience it yourself. One more thing, don’t wear fancy clothes or items on you when travelling abroad! You will be targeted by the locals! After all, you don’t know who’s watching your every movement!