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“After That Incident, Every Time I Travel Abroad I Will Make Sure To…” – Khaidhir Baihaqi

Home » Muslim Travel Experiences » “After That Incident, Every Time I Travel Abroad I Will Make Sure To…” – Khaidhir Baihaqi

Find out what inspires Khaidhir Baihaqi to travel

T: A short bio about yourself, A 3-4 lines that best describe you, what you do for a living and so…

My name is Khaidhir Baihaqi Bin Azeman, from Temerloh, Pahang and I’m an Executive at a local bank. I’m adventurous and love to try new things in life and of course, travelling is on top of the list. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @Kay_Bai

T: Where have you been?

I just came back from Kathmandu for Annapurna Base Camp hiking trip with a friend. I’ve been to 11 countries; Thailand, Philippine, Indonesia, UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany.

T: What’s your favorite place so far? Why?

Perhentian Island is always my favourite place to visit since it is the reason why travelling is my passion. As a Malaysian, I’m very proud of what we have and there are many beautiful places to explore. I also enjoy hiking and I’ve been to Mount Rinjani and Semeru in Indonesia, Mount Annapurna in Nepal to witness the beauty of God’s creation.

T: One unforgettable travel experience or incident that sticks in your mind…?

It happens in 2015 during the trip with my two best friends in Cebu Philippine. Once we arrived at Moalboal, I realized that I left my passport on the bus. I started to panic since we knew that the bus drove very fast. Without further thinking I just stop a Hilux and approached the driver begging him to help me. At first, the driver hesitates to help me but someone in the back seat said something in the local language to the driver and allowed me to hop on.

I left my friends at the bus stop and immediately regret my decision since none of us had a local sim card to be in contact if something happens. We managed to stop the bus, luckily my small bag containing my passport and money is still in the seat. I was so relieved that all the important things are still in the bag, nothing missing. I then thank the man who helps me and he drove me back to the bus stand. I gave him 2000 Peso but he refused to take it.

This is one of travelling experience that I can never forget.

T: What was the most challenging thing about traveling?

Finding a location. It’s quite difficult for you to find direction if there is no internet. I experience it once and almost missed the bus. After that incident, every time I travel abroad I will make sure to buy a local sim card to stay connected.

T: What place is top of your bucket list?

Iceland. I really really want to witness the aurora!

T: One advice for travelers?

Go travel and explore the world. It’s beautiful.