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“The Scariest Ride I’ve Ever Taken, With Passengers Vomiting Left and Right…” – Maynard Keyne Langet

Home » Muslim Travel Experiences » “The Scariest Ride I’ve Ever Taken, With Passengers Vomiting Left and Right…” – Maynard Keyne Langet

Maynard sure knows how to appreciate the little moments in life! Check out his interview:

T: A short bio about yourself, A 3-4 lines that best describe you, what you do for living and so…
M: I’m Maynard Keyne Langet. I relish going off the beaten path, in life, travel, and passion. I work as a chef.

T: Where have you been?
M:  I’m privileged to have visited 5 countries, mostly in Southeast Asia. Now I’m keen on exploring Kalimantan.

T: What’s your favourite place so far? Why?
M: I love Siem Reap. Specifically the Angkor Archaeological Park. There’s something about touching and feeling something so old, yet still stands with so much left unknown. The Cambodians that greeted us were the friendliest bunch ever!

T: One unforgettable travel experience or incident that sticks in your mind…?
M: Backpacking through Sumatra. I was on a 14-hour bus from Lake Toba to Bukit Tinggi, across the Minangkabau Highlands. It is the scariest ride I’ve ever taken, with passengers vomiting left and right, the bus driver careening downhill, air-conditioner blast set to maximum and I get a full-window view of oncoming trucks that swing meters away from me! I didn’t sleep a wink (barely anyone did), but the mists rising all around us in the dead of the night was both otherworldly and eerie.

T: What was the most challenging thing about travelling?
M: I’m naturally observant and quiet. So I always make it a point to start conversations with locals. Finding common issues to talk about is quite challenging, harder with a language gap.

T: What place is top of your bucket list?
M: Iran! Such a mysterious place.

T: One advice for travellers?
M:  Mingle with the locals. Even if you barely understand them. Open yourself up, and they will share their love, hopes, and dreams with you. They might throw in some cool places to drop by! And try travelling in a non-touristy location/city. I always believe there’s no such thing as ‘nothing interesting to see. There’s always something, if you look hard enough, and immerse yourself enough to see how other people view their world.