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6 Best Ramadan Apps Every Muslim Should Have On Their Phone

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For Muslims all around the world, Ramadan is the month they look forward to the most every year as it’s a holy month full of blessings. Ramadan is not simply about abstaining yourself from eating, drinking and fulfilling desires, but also about practising spiritual discipline and purification. We’ve listed several apps that you should consider downloading this Ramadan to help you prayer times, habits and achievements in check.

Muslim Pro

Best Ramadan Apps goes to Muslim Pro

Muslim Pro is one of, if not the best known and most trusted app for Muslims. With so many features like the Quran, prayer times, qiblat and daily duas, Muslim Pro is like your one-stop app for everything you need! It will be extra convenient this Ramadan as you can refer to it whenever and wherever you are.


iQuran is definitely one of the best for having Quran on your phone

iQuran is perfect for those who need a copy of the Quran on their phone or tablet. This ad-free app offers you the full Quran along with its translation (almost 20 languages are available), verse by verse audio playback, colour coded Tajweed, bookmarks and so many more functions. The app support both Android and iOS platforms. Also, there are two versions of the app available: Pro (priced at $1.99) and Lite (free).

Muslim Kids Guide: Salah & Wudu

Ramadan Apps for kids

This children-friendly app is a very useful tool to help teach your little ones about how to perform the 5 daily solat and wudu’. Your kids can learn the step-by-step tutorial through a guide video and audio that’s available in English, Arabic and French. They can also learn to memorize Quranic verses to read in each raka’ah. Click here to download on Google Play or the App Store.

Ramadan Planner

Best Ramadan Planner Apps

Ramadan Planner is one of the best apps that allows users to track all their Ramadan achievements. This will help them to monitor their deeds throughout this holy month. Users can set up their goals for Ramadan and oversee their activities like daily prayers, sunnah prayers, and Quran recitals. Based on the data and several Q&As, they can do a self-analysis that can help keep their aqidah in check.

Memorize Quran

Ramadan Apps to help memorise Quran

Aiming to spend this Ramadan with Quran hafazan? Memorize Quran can be your best buddy! What’s great about this app is that they added many features to help make the memorization process easier for you. You can download a specific surah that you want to memorize, repeat any single ayah, add delay or pause in between ayahs, and speed up or slow down the Quran recitation.


ShareTheMeal app is perfect for charity

Lastly, make your Ramadan a meaningful one by helping those who are less fortunate! ShareTheMeal is a charity app created by the World Food Programme that allows users to donate to any specific group of people. You can donate either for a week, a month or longer. The options are available depending on your own ability with simply by a tap of the button. When you donate, you’re able to see exactly where your donation goes and who you are helping.

In conclusion, we hope these great apps will be a wonderful helping hand to your daily learnings and good deeds Ramadan this year! Also, read on to see how Muslims all over the world celebrates the arrival of Ramadan each year.

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